Supply Chain

Our suppliers play an important role in representing our brands.

For us, as important as having a business model aligned with sustainability is knowing that our supply chain is also consistent with such goals and aspirations, so we can grow and add value to society.

Supplier Code of Conduct


GFD Program - Dexco Supplier Management

Since 2012, we have maintained the GFD (Dexco Supplier Management) program, which guarantees a structured management process to assess and promote improvements in our supply chain. In 2018, we developed a criticality matrix used as a tool for selecting our strategic partners, in order to ensure that they are in line with our purpose.

The GFD cycle takes place annually, with the support of specialized and independent consulting, and with the objective of engaging and developing suppliers for the best market practices, in addition to mitigating potential risks, stimulating the development of increasingly ethical and responsible businesses. The process includes steps such as sending questionnaires, on-site visits, feedback reports and recognition events, for example. Socio-environmental, economic, compliance and quality criteria are adopted in the evaluation.

Among the main topics evaluated by the GFD are the following topics:


Supplier Code of Conduct

Dexco recognizes that partnership with its suppliers is fundamental. Therefore, we have developed the Supplier Code of Conduct, which stems from Dexco’s understanding of the organization’s co-responsibility to sensitize its suppliers towards adopting management based on social, environmental, and ethical criteria, and complying with legal standards, as well as disseminating these practices throughout its value chain.

Supply Chain Academy

Also in 2018, we established the Supply Chain Academy – Supplier Module, which works to educate and train our partners on sustainability issues considered strategic to our businesses and society. These topics include the inclusion of persons with disabilities, workplace safety, environmental management, and combating the exploitation of children and adolescents.

Partnered Solutions

Being closer and more focused on our customers and consumers has allowed us not only to work “for them” but also to work “with them.” This approach establishes a frequent dialogue.

Through Customer Committees, the commercial areas of our brands hold regular meetings with the intention of co-creating, adapting, and enhancing the Solutions for Better Living offered to the market through the exchange of experiences and ideas. Major architecture, finishing, and home decoration fairs also provide opportunities to listen to our audiences.