To maintain alignment and a shared understanding of the best practices governing our daily professional activities, we provide a Code of Conduct. This document, available to everyone at Dexco, serves as a guide for how each administrator, employee, contractor, or third party should conduct business on behalf of the Company. It establishes the appropriate and desired behavior when interacting with Dexco or its key stakeholders. All employees receive the Code of Conduct and are required to adhere to it fully in performing their duties.
The Compliance area is responsible for reviewing and updating the Code of Conduct, managing the Integrity Program and the Whistleblower Channel, and implementing awareness initiatives and training for employees and third parties on ethics, integrity, harassment prevention, anti-corruption, and other improper practices. Updates to the Code of Conduct are approved by the Board of Directors.
In cases of non-compliance with the Code of Conduct, ethical and/or legal violations are investigated by the Compliance Department to promptly address irregularities. Disciplinary measures are recommended by the Technical Group of the Ethics Commission (comprising Compliance, Labor & Union Relations, and Legal management) and, in critical cases, decided by the Ethics Commission, which includes the Chief Executive Officer and other members of the Executive Committee.
Our Way to Be and Do Things and do business is only one. It is based on integrity, legality, and justice. To that end, Dexco’s Integrity Program is based on:
The Integrity Program is periodically monitored by Compliance and its actions are frequently reported to our Senior Management, through our Audit and Risk Management Committees and Ethics Commission.
Dexco’s Senior Management supports and participates continually and unequivocally in all actions adopted within the scope of the Integrity Program, being periodically updated on how it is being applied and improved across the company.
It is paramount for Dexco to comply with the current law and good corporate governance practices, putting in place practices to prevent fraud, money laundering, corruption, and other unlawful acts.
The company’s main procedures and guidelines are laid out in policies and rules. The business areas are responsible for devising and updating their own rules in order to keep the governance environment up to date. The company takes measures to ensure accurate, precise accounting records and submits its financial statements to periodical audits.
Our Compliance area gives periodical training to administrators and new employees on the Anticorruption Act and other guidelines in our Code of Conduct in order to disseminate the compliance culture and help prevent and fight acts that harm the Public Administration. Throughout the year, guidance and recommendations in compliance and integrity are also released.
Dexco monitors risks and tests controls in its main processes in order to comply with the law and good corporate governance practices.
The company adopts fair, transparent criteria to select and hire suppliers and conducts public inquiries to evaluate related financial, registration, and reputational conditions, as described in our Internal Supply Standards.
Dexco has a Channel for receiving complaints available to all of the Company's stakeholders, including anonymously and confidentially. All reports are investigated and treated under the highest level of confidentiality.
The goal of this guide is to formalize the internal mechanisms and procedures of Dexco’s Integrity Program, created based on the Federal Anticorruption Act (Law no. 12,846/2013) and the Federal Anticorruption Decree (Decree no. 11,129/2022), with the purpose of preventing, detecting, and addressing irregularities and unlawful acts committed against the Public Administration, helping strengthen the company’s integrity and transparency culture.
This guide applies to all of Dexco’s departments, its administrator and employees, as well as any third parties that may be hired by Dexco S.A.
Integrity Program GuideDexco does not make political contributions, in accordance with its Anticorruption Policy, which forbids expenses and donations to candidates or political parties under the applicable law. Other types of government donations can occur exceptionally, provided that they meet the following goals and criteria: (i) fulfillment of all legal requirements and determinations; (ii) preservation of public assets/services directly affected by the company’s operational activities upon technical justification of the requesting administration; and (iii) supporting causes that resonate with the company’s activities and/or values. In any of the aforementioned exceptions, the donation shall observe the provisions under the Donation Rules, meet all mandatory formal requirements (e.g. official notice), and be subject to prior analysis and favorable opinion of the Compliance department, in addition to the approval of Dexco’s Board of Directors and President.
In order to contribute to the government in the creation of public policies that promote business and the social environment, in 2020 Dexco created an Institutional and Governmental Relations area, responsible for representing the Company’s discourse in the legislative process (federal, state and municipal) . This department works mainly in conjunction with reputable sector entities to which the Company is affiliated (eg IBÁ, CIESP, ABINEE, ANFACER, among others), ensuring an impersonal and transparent political action, always guided by ethical, moral standards and in accordance with Laws and Dexco’s Anti-Corruption Policy.
Dexco, committed to compliance with applicable laws, including the Brazilian Law nº 13,709/2018 (“Personal Data Protection General Law“ – “LGPD“), has formally appointed the person who acts as Data Protection Officer within its Privacy Governance Structure.
The Data Protection Officer (“DPO“) is an designated individual to serve as a communication channel between the Controller (Dexco), Data Subjects (natural persons whose personal data are processed), and the Data Protection National Authority (“ANPD“ – a government agency responsible for overseeing, implementing, and enforcing compliance with the LGPD throughout the national territory).
According to the LGPD, Dexco must appoint a Data Protection Officer who performs the following activities:
I – to accept complaints and communications from data subjects, provide clarifications, and take appropriate actions;
II – to receive communications from the national authority and take appropriate actions;
III – to provide guidance to employees and entity’s third party suppliers regarding practices to be taken in relation to the protection of personal data; and
IV – to perform other duties determined by the controller or established in complementary regulations.
It is important to note that the DPO is supported by the Data Privacy Governance Structure and the Data Protection and Privacy Commission in carrying out their activities, with reporting to the necessary instances.
To contact Dexco’s Data Protection Officer, please reach out via the email channel