To account for annual GHG emissions, we follow the guidelines of the Greenhouse Gases Protocol (GHG Protocol), the main reference for quantifying corporate emissions.
Since 2013, we have reported our GHG inventories* verified by a third party in the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program, attesting to the transparency in reporting our emissions. We also report the inventory of emissions and removals related to land use in our forest areas.
In addition to removing carbon from the atmosphere, we are committed to continually reducing GHG emissions from our activities and promoting advances towards a low-carbon economy.
We have established targets related to the management of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in our operations and the removal of carbon by our forests. These challenges are in line through the Paris Agreement and the global commitment to limit global warming to 1.5ºC.
To learn more about the scope and assumptions of our goals described below, click here.
In Colombia, we run Carvida Duratex Project through the voluntary carbon certification program called Cercarbono. With the project initiative, our forests in the country capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and we have already produced a bonus of 597,466 tCO2e in credits.
These results have earned us the Icontec Forestry Compensation Certificate*, making the initiative Colombia’s largest GHG forestry compensation program.
We have continually improved our climate change management thanks to studies and partnerships that allow us to identify business risks and opportunities. Climate change management has been continuously evolving at Dexco, through studies and partnerships that allow us to identify risks and opportunities in our businesses. Since 2012, we have been responding to the CDP Climate Change questionnaire and obtained a A- grade in the 2023 cycle. Click here to access our questionnaire responses for 2024.
Among the practices that reinforce our commitment to a low-carbon economy, we maintain a comprehensive record of the Company’s emissions history and periodically review our corporate and agricultural inventory. Additionally, we conduct benchmarking with leading companies in the field and stay updated on market trends related to climate change, especially through participation in indices such as Dow Jones, ISE, and CDP (Climate, Water Security, and Forests).
We also mapped* out climate risks and opportunities, in accordance with the TCFD framework, designing an action plan to go ahead with adherence.
*Documents available only in Portuguese or Spanish.