

Cozinha com mesa e cadeiras de madeira e uma bancada ao fundo com pia e armário, com quadros, plantas e utensílios

Relationship with customers

  • The customer is at the heart of what we do, and the well-being of people is the reason why we work and exist.
  • In our operations, we strive for safety, with the lowest possible environmental and social impact, and for innovative and high quality products.

Relationship with suppliers

Suppliers Brazil

More than 6 thousand active suppliers in Brazil in 2021

Colombia suppliers

994 active suppliers in Colombia in the year

Management Program

Dexco Supplier Management Program (GFD): a risk and opportunity management system to induce improvements in the supply chain, considering ESG aspects.

Relationship with the Community

Maintaining a daily relationship with the communities in the regions where we operate contributes to our strategy of promoting local development. We have direct dialogue channels with local representatives to learn about their demands, which can be met through social programs or even directing Private Social Investment.
Quatro pessoas com uniforme azul e de chapéu trabalhando no viveiro de mudas da Dexco.

Everyday Relationship

Being close and maintaining a daily relationship with the communities in the regions where we operate is part of Dexco's social strategy to promote local development.
Jovens tocando instrumentos musicais no projeto social Orquestra Jovem de Aracaju

We chose to participate in social projects that:

• Develop local intellectual capital;
• Implement self-sustaining projects;
• Contribute to the qualification of teachers and the school curriculum;
• Increase local employability through professional qualification.

[ 2021 ]


– We implemented 10 projects, which benefited 17,201 people and 96 institutions in 14 municipalities. If we add the donations mainly intended for Covid-19, we reach a total of 23 municipalities served.

– We have a Social Management Policy in Colombia, which guides the actions that will be developed, the strategies used and the tools;
–We visited five communities to raise awareness about the prevention of Covid-19 with the donation of masks.
– We trained young people on the topic of Environmental Conservation and distributed 1,240 copies of a newsletter with socio-environmental information in ten communities.

Fighting the Covid-19 pandemic:
– We donated R$ 373,221.90 to 26 benefited municipalities;
– We prioritize the front line, municipal hospitals, institutions and bodies related to health and municipal governments.

Sala de jantar moderna com bancos retangulares de cimento e mesa suspensa por estrutura de ferro. Ao lado, armário com vasos e plantas

Relationship with shareholders

– We held Investor Day, an event dedicated to our investors. This was the first issue dedicated exclusively to the debate on Dexco's strategic planning;

– We created new pages and launched the ESG Portal on the Investor Relations website.

Discover the Dexco 2021 Integrated Report in full.